Marketing Solutions

All the money comes from marketing efforts.

Digital marketing gives an outstanding boost to your business. Except content & social media marketing,

What else you can do?


Email Marketing

International Marketing

BUT.....Here’s the problem:


Low Email Open Rate?

Native Marketer?

Marketing Solutions

Chinese Media Marketing

  • Website Content Management
  • Social Media Content Creation


  • Ads
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • E-Commerce Marketing


  • Email Warmup
  • Email Marketing
  • Cold Outreach
  • Content Spam Check

What Our Clients Say

I have tried to have my own blog and YouTube channel several times, yep.. SEVERAL times. But usually gave up around 2 months, since lack of ideas or lost passion due to no audience. HOSDORE helps me to keep my brand alive :-).
In The Name of PSYCO
I am a solopreneur. I tried to do everything by myself, but I found myself spent whole day updating all social media accounts without doing anything else. Then I tried fiverr, which was great, but not budget-friendly if you need experts for several services. Hosdore provides all-in-one solutions, which is a life-saver for me. Highly recommended Hosdore to small business owners.
Meg K.

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